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Q&A Defending Children Freedom Counsel Panel

After their presentations to Freedom Counsel in Denver on June 9th, Dr. Miriam Grossman MD, freedom lawyer Jennifer Kennedy, Esq., and co-founder attorney Warner Mendenhall held a Q&A with attendees.

Jennifer Kennedy, Esq.
California is leading the charge in promoting “gender transitions” of as many kids as it can, as fast as it can, and normalizing the notion that sex is merely a belief, not an anatomical certainty. Jennifer Kennedy has been on the front lines of this fight as well as fighting illegal mandates.

Miriam Grossman, MD

Miriam Grossman, MD is board certified in child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. The author of five books, including You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?, and Lost in Trans Nation, Dr. Grossman’s work exposing the origin and hazards of the sexuality and gender industry has been translated into eleven languages. She has testified in Congress and lectured at the British House of Lords and the United Nations. She is featured in Daily Wire’s What Is A Woman?, Fox Nation’s The Miseducation of America, and many other documentaries. Her expert psychiatric opinion is sought for witness testimony and court reports.

Warner Mendenhall
Freedom Counsel Co-Founder
Akron, OH

Warner Mendenhall is co-founder of Freedom Counsel and owner of Mendenhall Law Firm. Warner has been active politically all his life. Beginning with two terms on Akron City Council
in the early 1990s, Warner has helped citizens fight corruption and the abuse of power by local governments throughout Ohio. During his time on the city council, Warner felt that the city law department was not giving him accurate answers so he went to law school. After getting licensed in the late 1990s, Warner won his first cases exposing block grant fraud and defending Charter Amendments in Akron and knew that he had found his calling.

Since then, Warner has been building a mission-oriented practice to hold local, state govern- ment, and corporations accountable. Anchored by a passion for helping to give ordinary people the power to stand up to government abuses, corporate fraud, and bank malfeasance. Being driven by the idea of providing high-quality service to those in need of legal help, his firm and areas of practice have grown over the years into many areas.

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