Chinese National Censors American Doctors
Now that Zuckerberg has admitted being pressured to censor by the white house, meet one of Facebook's 'fact checkers'. A chinese national who has been exposed for pushing misinformation.
An active member of 'Shots Heard' has quite a surprising history of 'misinformation' failures under her belt.
Editor’s note: This is a series of stories documenting the tactics and lawfare used against Americans who rebelled against the medical tyranny and money grab of the COVID wars. These documents and screen grabs were obtained from whistleblowers in various private online communities, often at great risk, in order to show the world what traditional news outlets refuse to cover and explain why so many doctors were afraid to speak out at the height of COVID. See all our reporting on these online harassment groups here.
As much as we'd love to work on our upcoming documentary, we just came across an incredible member of the pharma lobbyist-connected Facebook censorship group "Shots Heard Round the World" we just had to report to you. We first heard about Flora Teoh when we learned she was trying to investigate us in the 'Shots Heard' group as part of a response to a post by Houston prick-pushing pediatrician Dr. Christina Propst from Texas, who posts on Facebook in the group as 'Chris Tina.'
Flora tried to dox me after an article in our series. Flora joined "Shots Heard" on Feb. 3, 2020. What interesting timing!
Why is that timing interesting you ask? Well, because 2/3/2020 was the day before members of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Zhengli Shi (aka batlady) shared in vitro study results with Nature showing that remdesivir is useless at certain points after exposure to coronavirus. They also showed that Chloroquine was significantly more beneficial.

This of course led to the frantic creation of fake studies like the one by Sapan Desai, Mandeep Mehra, Frank Ruschitzka, and Amit N Patel, all of which were designed to make one of the safest, oldest drug classes in history look deadly.
Incidentally, Health Feedback is part of Science Feedback, which Paul Thacker covers in delicious detail here.
Flora is a foreign national suppressing American's free speech
There are many, many posts by Flora in shots heard, like this one where she admits to reporting Dr. Mary Tally Bowden for practicing medicine how she saw fit. That's not allowed in Flora's native home of China, so it's not allowed here!!! Or France, or wherever Flora attacks Americans from!
We have many posts showing how this group wanted to suppress Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. The goal appears to have been to prevent any treatment for COVID-19 besides vaccines. That's a problem. But again, this is about Flora.
Flora has made a LOT of friends and gotten smacked down for it. The following is a wonderful list of articles and tweets you can review at your leisure.
US Free Speech, Meet Your Wealthy Chinese Fact Checker
Here are a few amazing highlights.
Introducing Flora Teoh
Flora Teoh is a contributor to several ‘fact-checking’ organizations such as, International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), and the International Data Verification Network, which aims to promote “good” journalistic practices by fighting the dissemination of what they term “fake-news”. IFCN is an offshoot of the Poynter Institutefor media studies that was created in 2015. Poynter gets the majority of its funding grants from entities such as: Google, the MacArthur Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Carnegie Foundation.Teoh’s affiliated organizations are part of an international ‘progressive’ data verification network supported by the Open Society Foundations (George Soros) and the Omidyar Network (Pierre Omidyar). Omidyar is also funding Defeat Disinfo, an AI information warfare platform designed to fight president Trump’s Covid-19 messaging. Both Soros and Omidyar have sponsored The Intercept, a publication that released documents stolen by Snowden. In 2018, they also helped launch the Luminate platform that has since distributed over $314 million to finance progressive journalistic projects around the world. Health Feedback is one of these projects.
Bio wise, Teoh is a native Chinese speaker with professional and family ties in mainland China. She had a privileged upbringing in a wealthy family in Singapore. She is a globetrotter (often via first/business class and in luxury hotels). In 2016-2020, she visited and lived in Europe with the grand tour costing a small fortune. Beside the luxury accommodations she also managed to live life to the fullest and attend gourmet cooking schools like the Le Cordon Bleu.
Head on over to Yaacov's blog to read the rest. Let's keep going!
Fake Fact-Checker Is Forced to Backtrack on its Bogus Gateway Pundit Fact-Check After Lawyer Sends Retraction Demand – And the Woman is NOT a Doctor and NOT from the US
This one is pretty impressive. She went after the Gateway Pundit and limped away. Some highlights...
Our report at The Gateway Pundit went viral—with almost 24,000 shares on Instagram alone—to such an extent that it was covered in its entirety by Joe Rogan on his show, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” where he was joined by former Navy SEAL Andy Stumpf.
After it gained so much attention, Health Feedback organization fact-checked our post almost two weeks later. The website claimed that the “Cleveland Clinic study didn’t find that taking more COVID-19 vaccine doses causes increased COVID-19 risk; association alone doesn’t imply causation.”
and later in the article:
In 2020, Flora Teoh fact-checked one of Gateway Pundit’s articles on two California doctors of immunology and owners of a Bakersfield Urgent Care facility. The two doctors suggested only the sick and immuno-compromised individuals must be quarantined, not healthy people. The two doctors who see patients daily also suggested the virus has spread widely in their California community. This phenomena has also been reported in Boston, Miami, Santa Clara, Chicago and several European countries.
Nearly a month after our reporting, Flora Teoh, who is not a medical doctor, claimed that the Bakersfield doctors were promoting false information. Flora Teoh concluded the US doctors were not telling the truth. Flora is not even from the United States. She does not live in the United States. Yet, she believes it is her right to censor our speech even if she is completely wrong!
And just one more snippit from even later down in their epic expose on Flora:
In November of 2018, Teoh joined Science Feedback. Her main assignments for 2020 have been to:
Monitor and control political discourse related to science
Gate keep and censor ‘conservative’ scientific content
Promote media that is aligned with ‘progressive’ thought
So it turns out that the arbitrator of truth that controls our free speech in the US is a Chinese woman from Singapore who is living a life of luxury in Europe, all expenses paid by her wealthy family back in Asia. No siree, Bob! You can’t make up this stuff even if you wanted to.
Science Editor Gets Facts Wrong in ‘Fact Check’ of Tweet Promoting Daily Sceptic Article
No need to say anything, head on over to the article or read a snip we've posted here.
Recently, Danish health authorities decided to stop making Covid vaccines and boosters available to the general population under the age of 50. Note, the general population, not absolutely everyone under 50.
This interesting development, and the fact that the rationale for this decision has not been properly explained, has clearly wrought havoc among those whose day job it is to protect the reputation of these medications.
Flora Teoh, the Science Editor of the “fact checking” website Health Feedback, has now written an articlewhich supposedly refutes the standard summary of this decision, i.e., the Danish health authorities have banned vaccines and boosters for nearly everyone under 50. Teoh‘s article is a typical fact-checking piece. She starts by stating a claim – “Denmark banned COVID-19 vaccines for anyone under 50” – which she then proceeds to refute, but the problem is no one has made that claim.
Two sources are listed, although the “facts” being “checked” are both supposedly contained in a headline above a video and a tweet linking back to an article, not in the YouTube video and article themselves.
The first headline, which refers to a video by Clay Travis, reads: “Denmark Bans Covid Shot For People Under 50 Years Old.“ The second, which is a tweet posted on Toby Young’s account linking to a piece by me in the Daily Sceptic, reads: “Denmark has banned the use of COVID-19 vaccines for people under 50 saying the benefits are too low. What it conspicuously fails to mention (though surely knows it) is that the risks are also too high.”
Unfortunately, neither the headline or the tweet state what Teoh claims they state, namely, that Denmark has banned the covid shots for anyone under 50. The word “anyone“ is crucial here. Instead, all that’s being claimed is that the vaccines have been banned in general for people under 50 and the discussion that follows in both cases contains details on which under-50s are exempt from this ban.
This Super Rich ‘Fact Checker’ Is Censoring Inconvenient CV-19 Facts
Teoh’s organizations are part of an international ‘progressive’ data verification network that is supported Open Society Foundations (Soros) and the Omidyar Network (Pierre Omidyar).
Omidyar is also funding the ‘Defeat Disinfo’ AI Information Warfare Platform to fight President Trump’s Covid-19 narrative. Both Soros and Omidyar have also sponsored The Intercept, a publication that released documents stolen by Edward Snowden. In 2018, they also launched the Luminate platform that has distributed over $314 million to finance ‘progressive’ journalistic projects around the world. Health Feedback is one of these projects.
Ms. Teoh is far left. She bragged about reading corrupt former FBI Director Jim Comey’s book:
Social Media knows her
Twitter is filled up with her victims as well.
I'm starting to wonder if the entire purpose of "Shots Heard" was to fail at this.